In the fall Time Warner cable is planning on rolling out a tiered internet plan - similar to cellphones. Where you pay by the Gigabyte that you download, with the basic plans starting at just 5GB for $29.99 to a 40 GB at $54.90 a month. This really sucks! Let me explain why.
- Right now Roadrunner is unlimited, no restrictions. Its fast and wonderful and you don't have to worry about anything. In the future people will constantly be worried about going over their GB allotment. Most people have no idea how much they download in a given month, so they would probably opt to go with the higher plans - just out of fear of going over that GB mark. Do you really want to live in a state of fear, similar to cellphones?
- Roadrunner in Rochester has no competition. That is the only reason why they can do this. Syracuse and Buffalo have alternatives like the speedy verizon FIOS. Since Rochester people are stuck with this as the only major broadband, they thing why not make us a test market.
- With the explosion of video and social networking sites on the web, downloading 5GB will not take a long time. Not to mention normal emails, online games, blog postings, website building or just downloading anything will quickly fill up your 5GB.
We really don't need this now. TWC claims its something they should have done a long time ago. Well too bad, nobody wants this. They are really just greedy. It will cost them no more or less to implement a tiered system versus having an unlimited. It all goes through the same cable lines.
You really can't be apathetic about this. Let TWC know that you are upset with this and because of this - you will be removing your service with them. Here's some tips on who to contact and what to do.
http://stoptwc.info/Don't let the man stick it to you!