So I'm officially sick. Sick with a cold, and sick of being sick. It started last Thursday, with an itchy throat. Friday was worse with coughing and more itchy throat and headaches. Saturday I started to feel better, just a few coughs all day and most of the cold had just moved to my nose. Sunday my nose was running like a faucet nonstop. Today, its still running like a faucet and the headaches are back.
Its definitely not the worst cold ever, but no cold is a fun cold. Looking forward to tomorrow and Wednesday when the weather is supposed to be in the 50's or even 60's. Maybe my cold will be gone by then!
WHAT is that picture?! Your out of control!!!!
I hope you feel better sweetheart!!
aww poor jim :(
my mom always says that if you take care of a cold it will last 7 days, if you don't take care of it, it will last a week...
so true.
btw: wth is that picture!
The picture is obviously a cold virus! Duh! (Its an image that came back when I search for "cold virus" on Yahoo).
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